Sermons and Auditorium Class

Sermons and Auditorium Class

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/27/25 SURVEY OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST / SING John Mundy/Matt Sullivan N/A Wed Bible Study
03/23/25 Study of Ecclesiastes / ARE WE SINNERS BY NATURE? Teddy Horton/John Mundy N/A Sun AM
03/19/25 SURVEY OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST / How God Used Wind John Mundy N/A Wed Bible Study
03/16/25 How GOD Reveals Himself to Man Travis Moody N/A Sun PM
03/16/25 Study of Ecclesiastes / The Christian's Language Terddy Horton / Travis Moody N/A Sun AM
03/12/25 SURVEY OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST / Trusting in GOD John Mundy/Phealon Suell N/A Wed Bible Study
03/09/25 Study of Ecclesiastes / "Unlocking Freedom" Teddy Horton/John Mundy N/A Sun AM
03/05/25 SURVEY OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST / Good News John Mundy / Almon Williams N/A Sun AM
03/02/25 Study of Ecclesiastes / "Proclaimed King" The Triumphal Entry Teddy Horton/John Mundy N/A Sun AM
03/02/25 "I Have Sinned" John Mundy N/A Sun PM
02/23/25 JESUS CHRIST Author of Salvation John Mundy N/A Sun AM
02/23/25 Study of Ecclesiastes Teddy Horton N/A Sun Bible Study
02/16/25 O WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM John Mundy N/A Sun PM
02/16/25 BUY THE TRUTH - DO NOT SELL IT John Mundy N/A Sun AM
02/16/25 Study of Ecclesiastes Teddy Horton N/A Sun Bible Study
02/12/25 SURVEY OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST / Giving Thanks John Mundy / Mike McFarland N/A Wed Bible Study
02/09/25 Study of Ecclesiastes Teddy Horton N/A Sun Bible Study
02/09/25 Why Is The House of God Forsaken? (Part 2) John Mundy N/A Sun PM
02/09/25 Why Is The House of God Forsaken? John Mundy N/A Sun AM
02/05/25 Self Denial / Salvation Safety Rules Kemuel Camp / Tommy Johns N/A Wed Bible Study
02/02/25 Study of Ecclesiastes Teddy Horton N/A Sun Bible Study
02/02/25 The Kingdom of Christ John Mundy N/A Sun PM
02/02/25 Tell How He Lives Again John Mundy N/A Sun AM
01/29/25 SURVEY OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST / 24 Inches to Eternity John Mundy/Jim Eagan N/A Wednesday Evening
01/26/25 Sunday Night Singing / Tithing Travis Moody N/A Sunday PM Singing

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