Sermons and Auditorium Class

Sermons and Auditorium Class

Displaying 126 - 150 of 963

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
06/30/24 Issues Facing 21st Century Christians Dick Blackford N/A Sun Bible Study
06/30/24 SHAME John Mundy N/A Sun AM
06/26/24 OVERCOMING SIN - INDEFFERENCE / Customer or Server John Mundy/Travis Moody N/A Wed Bible Study
06/23/24 Opportunity Travis Moody N/A Sunday PM Singing
06/23/24 Peter's Denial of Jesus John Mundy N/A Sun AM
06/23/24 Issues Facing 21st Century Christians Dick Blackford N/A Sun Bible Study
06/19/24 Overcoming the Sin of Unforgiveness Questions/ Inside Purity John Mundy/Trey Moody N/A Wed Bible Study
06/12/24 Overcoming the Sin of Unforgiveness/Practice John Mundy/Phillip Cassidy N/A Wed Bible Study
06/09/24 If I Had Been Noah.... John Mundy N/A Sun PM
06/09/24 Issues Facing 21st Century Christians Dick Blackford N/A Sun Bible Study
06/09/24 How Do YOU See The Cross John Mundy N/A Sun AM
06/05/24 How to Overcome the Sin of Unforgiveness / Do Not Dispute Over a Doubtful Thing John Mundy/Taylor Harbin N/A Wed Bible Study
06/02/24 SCARS The Aftermath of Sin John Mundy N/A Sun PM
06/02/24 The Goats DID NOT Do It John Mundy N/A Sun AM
06/02/24 Issues Facing 21st Century Christians Dick Blackford N/A Sun Bible Study
05/30/24 OVERCOMING SIN - UNFORGIVING / NINEVEH John Mundy/Travis Moody N/A Wed Bible Study
05/26/24 And Such Were Some Of You Travis Moody N/A Sunday PM Singing
05/26/24 Christ Died In Vain John Mundy N/A Sun AM
05/26/24 Issues Facing 21st Century Christians Dick Blackford N/A Sun AM
05/22/24 When a Brother Repents / Why have Wednesday Evening Services John Mundy/Matt Sullivan N/A Wed Bible Study
05/19/24 A Survey of Faith John Mundy N/A Sun PM
05/19/24 Issues Facing 21st-Century Christians Dick Blackford N/A Sun Bible Study
05/19/24 Giving our best to The Master John Mundy N/A Sun AM
05/15/24 Being Unforgiving / Jesus's Prayers - John 17 John Mundy/Steve Lands N/A Wed Bible Study
05/12/24 Knowing GOD PART-3 John Mundy N/A Sun PM

Displaying 126 - 150 of 963

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