About Us

Who Are We?

The StoneRidge church of Christ is a group of Christians who are not ashamed to wear the name of our Lord and whose purpose is to do all things to the glory of God. (Ephesians 3:21)  We are a “church of Christ,” not because we are affiliated with a denomination, but because we belong to Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18). We are a “church of Christ” who pattern ourselves after the church described in the New Testament.  We are not a perfect people by any means, but we are one whose desire is to grow spiritually and be more of what God wants us to be.

This website is designed to help acquaint you with the beliefs and practices of the StoneRidge church of Christ, so that you will have an idea of what to expect should you choose to be our guest. We hope that you might find something of spiritual value to you here.

Our Goals

We are a group of people encouraging one another on toward the goal of an eternal home in Heaven with God (Philippians 3:12-1420-21). Most importantly, the Christians here are God’s family, and we want to help each other get to Heaven. We depend and lean on each other as we all depend and lean on the Lord as we work together to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10Matthew 28:19-20) and prepare ourselves to spend eternity with the God who created us all (John 14:1-4).

Who Can You Expect to Meet Here?

We know that it can be a little uncomfortable to enter a strange building among people you do not know and whose worship you may not be familiar with.  Just so you will know, the members of the StoneRidge church of Christ are plain, ordinary people. Here, you will meet country folks and city folks. You will meet farmers, doctors, factory workers, schoolteachers, lawyers, businessmen (and women) along with those of us who may be homemakers, barbers, workers in the medical field, workers in retail or self-employed.  You will meet babies, preschoolers, grade-schoolers, high school, and college students., You will meet a wide range of people from young adult to retired. You will meet couples who are just beginning to start their families, those who have been together for over fifty years and those in-between. Most importantly, you will meet a group of people who will be glad that you have come our way and make you glad that you did.

Our View of the Bible

We accept the Bible as the verbally inspired, infallible word of God, written by men whom God chose, and preserved for man through the centuries (Matthew 24:352 Timothy 3:16-17). We do not believe that the Bible is outdated and irrelevant to the lifestyles and needs of men in the 21st century. The Bible contains divine commands, examples, and timeless truths that will guide any man or woman from earth to Heaven. We teach it in our Bible classes. We preach it from our pulpit. When the Bible is clear on any matter, we seek to abide by it. We do not subscribe to or endorse any creed written by men.

The Plan of Salvation

The Bible teaches that obedience to God is necessary for salvation.  God’s plan of salvation requires the following:

  1. Hear the truth of God’s word.  Jesus teaches the importance of hearing: John 5:24-25
  2. Believe in God, and that Jesus Christ is HIS only begotten son: John 3:16-18, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 11:6
  3. Repent of your sins: Luke 13:3-5, Acts 2:38, 3:19, 17:30 II Peter 3:9
  4. Confess before man that “Jesus is Lord”, Romans 10:9-10, I John 4:15
  5. Be Baptized for the remission (or payment) of your sins: Acts 2:38, 22:16, Mark 16:15-16, I Peter 3:20-21
  6. Then add to your faith all the qualities mentioned in I Peter 1:5-11

For an in-depth discussion of the plan of salvation, click here.

Our WorshipIt is the Bible that teaches us how to worship and Whom we are to worship (Matthew 4:10). God is the center of our assembly, a service that is not just about feeling but following His will for worship. (Matthew 7:21-23) (1 Cor. 14:40). Our worship of God is not designed to be entertaining nor to impress people, but rather to praise God and to give Him the glory for all that He has done for us. It is our single purpose to present to the Lord a reverent and dignified offering of the heart in accordance with biblical guidelines.

We sing without the aid of any musical instruments because the New Testament only specifies this kind of music (Ephesians 5:19Colossians 3:16).

The Lord’s Supper is observed every Sunday according to the practice of early Christians (Acts 20:7).

Prayers of praise, thanksgiving and supplication are offered by the congregation (1 Timothy 2:1-3).

Members of the church contribute to a common fund every Sunday (1 Cor. 16:1-2). We do not solicit funds from those outside the church nor do we attempt to raise monies from bake sales, auctions, or similar efforts. It is our privilege and responsibility to provide for the work here in the way that the Lord has instructed us. (2 Cor.9:6-8).

At both services on Sunday the word of God is taught in the form of a sermon designed to give Bible instruction and to help make meaningful applications to our daily lives. (Acts 2:42Psalm 119:105Jeremiah 10:23).

Our Organization

The StoneRidge church of Christ is committed to following the pattern as outlined in the New Testament for the organization of a local church that includes elders (bishops), deacons, an evangelist (preacher) and saints. (Philippians 1:1) (2 Timothy 4:5) (Romans 10:14)

Collectively, we make up the local body of Christ, the church. We do not answer to any governing authority outside of the local congregation here.

Our Offer to You

The StoneRidge church of Christ exists first to love and diligently serve the Lord. (Matthew 22:36-38) We then serve each other, (Matthew 22:39-40) and the spiritual needs of anyone searching for answers to questions that are important to us all: “How can I know God is real?” “Who am I and why am I here?” “Can I know really what the truth is?” “What does God expect of me?” “What will happen to me when I die?” “How can I get to Heaven?” To that end, we offer Bible based teaching in sermons and in Bible classes for all age groups. We do not claim to have every answer for every worrisome, challenging, and difficult thing that happens to all of us. Nor do we try to answer things that cannot be answered. (Deut 29:29) We simply walk by faith, (2 Cor. 5:7) believe the Bible is our only guide from earth to Heaven (Matthew 4:4Psalm 119:105) and do the best we can to serve the Lord (Eccl 12:13). If it is your desire, we would be privileged to study with you from the Bible as you seek to learn more about God and bring your life into harmony with His will.